Defoliating belts - MACCHINE OLEARIE FERRI srl

Defoliating belts

Defoliating belts

We have used belt conveyors
reconditioned to as-new condition, complete with leaf suction fans.

When the belts are reconditioned, in addition to reconditioning all the drive
motors, the pvc belts are replaced with brand new ones. Moreover, we can also
supply loading tanks on customer request.

If used belts are not available, we supply brand new ones manufactured by us.


Nastri defogliatori - MACCHINE OLEARIE FERRI srl
Nastri defogliatori - MACCHINE OLEARIE FERRI srl
Nastri defogliatori - MACCHINE OLEARIE FERRI srl
Nastri defogliatori - MACCHINE OLEARIE FERRI srl