Milling platform - MACCHINE OLEARIE FERRI srl

Milling platform

Milling platform

This is a platform equipped with feed
augers, hammers mills and paste discharge augers, all strictly made of aisi 304
stainless steel. It was made on customer request to mill the olives
outside the malaxing premises - moved in order to remove the noise and vapours
that milling creates. It is equipped with a fully automatic electrical panel
with olive feed adjustment using an inverter to adjust the milling speed
according to the product.

The prototype in the photo was made for " Olearia Cassano srl " in
Andria (Ba).

Of course, anything can be made, depending on the customer requirements and the
type of premises.


Pedana di frangitura - MACCHINE OLEARIE FERRI srl
Pedana di frangitura - MACCHINE OLEARIE FERRI srl
Pedana di frangitura - MACCHINE OLEARIE FERRI srl